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Classical CDs amet

DIY porus acusticus curatio est questus nuper vulgaris. Ut populus amo curatio ab ipsis acusticorum. Polyester alimentorum fibra materia et panel sit bonum DIY.

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depictio producti

1. Product introductionis Classical CDs amet

DIY acoustic treatment is getting popular recently. People like to make the acoustic treatment by themselves. And polyester fiber panel is a good material for DIY.

Polyester alimentorum fibra panel quod est ex non-combustibilis ab aere obscuritas, tractata specialis microporous polyester alimentorum fibra. Sunt exempla cultioribus vestimentis varietate eligendi. Ut dictum est late usus porus acusticus materia, quae toto mundo, quod optimum sonus effusio possessiones habere probatur. Pulchrum aspectu prolixoque animo elegans nec minus calida. Productum hoc minuere potest non strepitu, sed faciet etiam cum tempus tantum acuitur, pervenire vexillum consilio acusticorum, D.> 0.8, acusticorum convenient COMPOSITIO est, et non potest providere users cum acusticus optima solutio. Ad usus porus acusticus Praeterea, omne suum habet spatium tectis artis propria virtute disputo. Et elegit polyester alimentorum fibra-absorbentis gurgitis tabula sonus finiatur, est dives et fugatur, quae potest sic formari secundum exigentiam singula users, ut praebeat societatem maximam facultatem consequi tua metas. Aliquam qualitatis sonus facere ampliorem clarius tres dimensiva ditiores.


Treatment of Classical CDs II .Applications

In panel polyester alimentorum fibra late in sequentibus locis: Cinema, theatrum, media curis, shopping malls, fustibus, educationem locus, stadio et domum ornamentum, officium, ELUDO, domum theatrum, conventu locus. Potest providere tutum est, satis iucundum environment, et in medio populi.

3. The Advantage of Qdboss Acoustic DIY Acoustic Treatment

Qdboss Acoustic has the patent technology to make the polyester fiber panel flame retardant during production. That’s to say, our panel is flame retardant after production. The performance is as good as the panel made of FR fibers, while the cost is half. Unlike the old socking method, we can arrange the shipment as soon as the production. More environment friends, no smell, not sticker or wet on the surface.


4. Qualification of DIY Acoustic Treatment


Et officinas productio linea VII modern habemus, cum ad firmum, ut patent technology products. Curatio fit Classical CDs Qdboss flamma retardant, porus acusticus fabricae operuit fiberglass panel, fiberglass porus acusticus laquearia.

5 et Shipping Delivery Service of Classical CDs amet

Qdboss DIY Acoustic Treatment is packed in durable cartons, it is safe to be shipped by truck, sea and plane. Qdboss factory is located in the Jiaozhou, Qingdao, only one hour drive to the famous Qingdao Port and Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport. It can save the domestic shipping cost and provide fast and convenient delivery


6. Further processing of the DIY Acoustic Treatment 

The finished panel is 2420*1220mm, rectangle shape. We have the blade cutting station and laser cutting machine. And the panel can be cut to different sizes such as 1200x1200, 1200x600, 600x600, 300x300, or in round, hexagon shape, or any irregular shapes.

The four edges can be beveled, the connecting parts looks more natural on the wall in this way.

The white color can also be printed with patterns or pictures, to make it more decorative.


7 Packing of DIY Acoustic Treatment

Latin sarcina in lobortis pro nobis full size polyester alimentorum fibra panel (1220x2420 9mm *), per X pieces currus et currus 2450x1250x105mm mole est. Ut mos amplitudo cartons fecit quoque secundum a client magnitudinum requiritur. Et non-suffitu potest etiam esse in grabato petitio


VIII amet Classical CDs mensura loading

The full size polyester panel can be loaded 800 pieces in 20ft container.

The full size polyester lusus panel potest MDC 40ft Cantabrigiensis GP Accessit pieces in quo est.

The full size polyester lusus panel potest MCM 40ft C. pieces in quo est.

And more quantity can be loaded if the polyester panel is cut to small sizes.

Hot Tags: Curatio Classical CDs, Manufacturers, China wholesale, eme, Factory, Customized Sina, Made In China, Cheap, Discount: price: discount Price: Quotations, CE;
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