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Classical CDs Panel
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Classical CDs Panel

DIY porus acusticus tabulata recens est questus vulgaris. Ut populus amo curatio ab ipsis acusticorum. Polyester alimentorum fibra materia et panel sit bonum DIY.

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Introductio 1. Product DIY porus acusticus tabulata

DIY acoustic panels is getting popular recently. People like to make the acoustic treatment by themselves. And polyester fiber panel is a good material for DIY.  Polyester fiber panel is also called polyester fiber decorative sound-absorbing panel, which is a kind of decorative material with sound-absorbing function made of polyester fiber as raw material by hot pressing and needle punching. The product has the characteristics of decoration, heat preservation, flame retardant, environmental protection, light weight, easy processing, stability, impact resistance and easy maintenance. Become the preferred sound-absorbing material for interior decoration.


2. DIY porus acusticus tabulata Specification


Polyester Fiber


9mm 12mm




1.2-2kg / sqm




Flame retardant and Acoustic


III .Features DIY porus acusticus tabulata

Decorative: the panel can be cut to different size and shape by CNC Cutting Machine

Flame-retardant: ASTM E84 Testing Class A Grade

Sound absorption: NRC0.7-0.95 with different air gap

Impulsum resistentiam habentem, ut facile patet, durabile, thermal velit, REDIVIVUS Eco- materia et amica. Is est specimen pro traditional postea fiberglass panel porus acusticus



4. quid de porus acusticus tabulata DIY


Et officinas productio linea VII modern habemus, cum ad firmum, ut patent technology products. Qdboss facit DIY porus acusticus tabulata flamma retardant, porus acusticus fabricae operuit fiberglass panel, fiberglass porus acusticus laquearia.

5. Delivery and Shipping Service of DIY acoustic panels

Qdboss DIY acoustic panels is packed in durable cartons, it is safe to be shipped by truck, sea and plane. Qdboss factory is located in the Jiaozhou, Qingdao, only one hour drive to the famous Qingdao Port and Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport. It can save the domestic shipping cost and provide fast and convenient delivery


6. Further processing of the DIY acoustic panels

Et panel sit rite celebrata MMCDXX * 1220mm, figura quadrilatera rectangula. Non enim est ferrum secans sectionem statione et laser apparatus. Et sicut sexcenta 1200x1200 panel ut secari, 1200x600, 600x600, 300x300 vel circa hexagoni speciem aut irregulares figuras.

Quattuor marginibus beveled possit, natura cohaerentia partium magis intuetur hoc murum.

The white color can also be printed with patterns or pictures, to make it more decorative.



Quam ut install porus acusticus tabulata VII DIY

I 1. Antequam constructione, opus ad operam ad problema de tabula Selectio layout, et opus reddere operam ad tenues specialis color differentia. Parte farina invenire centrum ducta linea transversa, agitur de via lapides simili modo ponendi. Tamen, quod sciendum, quod per totum processum, vos postulo gerunt caestus ad vitare constructione pollutio.



2. Cum sectione tabula est, princeps ferro, et ferro utilitate meliora sunt plerumque solebat, cut et mutari tabula. Si oportet reducere desuper ictu ~ 0.5 1mm inclinari possunt quae reducere hiatus.


3. When pasting, you can use white latex or non-intrinsic all-purpose glue, so that it can stick to the cement or wood base more effectively, and it will take longer to use

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