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Fiber Panel tegulis muros acusticus ShopWiki bonum vocatur materia fibra polyester exornantur, debebit sonus tabulæ exornantur materiale quoddam munus fieri debebit, sanus fiber polyester materia calida et urget acus pulsare.

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1. Product Introduction of Acoustic wall tiles

Polyester Fiber Panel is good material for the Acoustic wall tiles it is also called polyester fiber decorative sound-absorbing panel, which is a kind of decorative material with sound-absorbing function made of polyester fiber as raw material by hot pressing and needle punching. The appearance is beautiful and generous, and there is no lack of warm and elegant feeling. This product can not only reduce the noise, but also make the reverberation time reach the acoustic design standard, NRC>0.8, the acoustic adjustment is convenient,


2 .Applications of Acoustic wall tiles

In panel polyester alimentorum fibra late in sequentibus locis: Cinema, theatrum, media curis, shopping malls, fustibus, educationem locus, stadio et domum ornamentum, officium, ELUDO, domum theatrum, conventu locus. Potest providere tutum est, satis iucundum environment, et in medio populi.

3. The Advantage of Qdboss Acoustic Acoustic wall tiles

Other Qdboss patentibus technology quod habet facere cum polyester alimentorum fibra panel in flamma retardant productionem. S Thatâ dicere, quod nos flamma retardant panel post productionem. Et perficiendi ex FR est tam bonum sicut panel fibris, cum dimidium sumptus est. Secus socking antiquum modum, non autem potest disponere productio sit amet quam primum. More environment amici, non odor, non in obice aut umidus est super superficiem.


4. Qualification of Acoustic wall tiles


We have 7 modern workshops and production line, with patent technology to make the stable products. Qdboss produces flame retardant Acoustic wall tiles, fabric wrapped fiberglass acoustic panel, fiberglass acoustic ceiling.


5 Loading Quantity of Acoustic wall tiles

The full size polyester panel can be loaded 800 pieces in 20ft container.

The full size polyester panel can be loaded 1600 pieces in 40ft GP container.

The full size polyester lusus panel potest MCM 40ft C. pieces in quo est.

And more quantity can be loaded if the polyester panel is cut to small sizes.


6 How to Install Acoustic wall tiles

1. Antequam constructione, vos postulo attendere ad quaestionem de tabula Selectio layout, et opus reddere operam ad tenues specialis color differentia. Parte farina invenire centrum ducta linea transversa, agitur de via lapides simili modo ponendi. Tamen, quod sciendum, quod per totum processum, vos postulo gerunt caestus ad vitare constructione pollutio.


2. Cum sectione tabula est, princeps ferro, et ferro utilitate meliora sunt plerumque solebat, cut et mutari tabula. Si oportet reducere desuper ictu ~ 0.5 1mm inclinari possunt quae reducere hiatus.


3. Cum pasting, te potest uti LATEX, aut non-album per se, omnia ad munera gluten et lignum sive caementa non possunt inhaero ad efficientius basi, atque ita diutius in usu tollet

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