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Diy TECTUM Intermissa Sound Baffles Manufacturers

Qingdao Boss Flame Retardant Textile Materials Co., Ltd. , established in 2008, which is one of China Polyester Acoustic Panel, Fiberglass Ceiling, Acoustic Baffle manufacturers, the leading supplier of acoustical materials product and fire retardant fabric used in architectural and industrial applications throughout the country. We are the supplier of Beijing Olympic National stadium "Bird's Nest" and "Water Cube". 

Hot Products

  • Fibreglass Acoustic Laquearia Tiles

    Fibreglass Acoustic Laquearia Tiles

    QDBOSS Fibreglass Tegula acustica Tegulae fibrarum vitrearum altae densitatis fiunt, cum filtro ornati in superficie et fibrillas in dorso, et quattuor margines signatae sunt. Fibra vitrea laquearia acoustica tabula interna fibra crinita Crinito inseritur, numerus minutorum pororum est, est typica materia sana-porosa absorbens, magnum numerum cubiculi soni energiae haurire potest, tempus repercussum minuere, strepitum umbraticum reducere.
  • Sana Baffle Panel

    Sana Baffle Panel

    The Sound baffle panel is a panel that is hanging on the ceiling vertically in a row. And they can be in different colors and shapes, it is made of dense and porous sound-absorbing board by hot pressing and needle punching of polyester fiber.
  • Morbi porus acusticus

    Morbi porus acusticus

    The Classical Morbi panel in fiberglass monstrat se esse optimum ad uti palam est, praecipue in his locis Eg cinematographico, theatrum, media curis, shopping malls, fustibus, locus educationem et stadio currunt, canteens, et otium centrum. Et sonitum vox repercussu reduci potest clarius
  • Cinema Wall Carpet

    Cinema Wall Carpet

    Flame retardant Cinema Wall Carpets are made by needle punching and other processes to make different fibers interweave and entangle each other to standardize the fabric, so that the fabric is soft, plump, thick, and stiff to achieve different thicknesses to meet the requirements of use. , Trimmed, packaged in rolls.
  • Home Theater Acoustic Wall Panel

    Home Theater Acoustic Wall Panel

    Home Theater Acoustic Wall Panel is synthesized by high temperature and high pressure by needle punching processing, and the porosity is above 90%.
  • Office Acoustic Baffle

    Office Acoustic Baffle

    Et facies homines a medio aedificii ad officium Baffle Orff, non moenia modo tractata esse opus, sed etiam laquearia. Multi materiae possunt usus porus acusticus ad laquearia, sicut lana erunt mineralibus laquearia, fiberglass laquearia, lignum laquearia, fiberglass laquearia.

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